If you are having difficulties making time to come in for appointments, schedule an online therapy appointment! Online therapy is available for ADHD/ADD counseling, relationship counseling, depression therapy, and anxiety therapy.
To schedule an online counseling appointment as a new client, you will first need to click the "Contact Us" button below and create a Clocktree account. Once you have filled out the information that is pictured on the right to create your account, you will be able to leave a message. I will then approve your request to become a client and you will be able to sign in and request an online therapy appointment!
If you are using insurance for your appointments, you will have to be within the state of Washington. If you are paying out of pocket you do not have to be in the state of Washington.
If you have any questions please call (360) 690-6550 or email me at krayannis@aol.com.