Cognitive Evaluations

The Cognitive Evaluations focuses on how the brain processes information that is instrumental for learning and social interactions.

Cognitive Evaluations


ADD has been described for over 100 yrs and stimulants have been used to combat ADD since 1937.
ADD remains vastly underdiagnosed, especially, ADD w/o Hyperactivity and in females.


Relationship Counseling

Relationships are complex and good communication skills are key to opening the door to a rewarding relationship.

Relationship Counseling

Depression, Anxiety

We all get depressed and/or anxious from time to time. When it begins to interfere with your daily routine, interpersonal relationships, and/or employment, it will benefit you to seek counseling.

Depression, Anxiety

"I Should Be Able to Fix My Own Problems. Why Should I Go to a Therapist?"


There is a misconception that the need to talk about your emotions or what is going on in your life that is troublesome, with a therapist, is something to be made fun of or seen as being weak, shameful because you can't solve your own problems. The truth is that mental health therapy is a very useful tool to untangle a myriad of emotional difficulties.

A therapist will:

  • Help you problem solve by viewing the situation from a different perspective
  • Introduce you to new coping skills and encourage you to practice these skills
  • Allow you to uncover the source of your anxiety or depression in a nonjudgmental environment
  • Provide different options than alcohol or drugs to hide from your sress
  • Assist you in finding ways to be more social if you are feeling alone or isolated
  • Help you cope with anxiety
  • Assure you that you do have control of your life and how to maintain it

Depression | Anxiety |ADD/ADHD | Relationship Counseling

Vancouver, WA

Are you caught in a cycle of depression, anxiety, relationship problems? Kathie Ray-Annis will work with you to find a solution.

Do you have a child or adolescent who is having behavioral difficulties at school or home? You and your child or adolescent can meet with Kathie to begin the search for a reason.

Katie Ray-Annis counseling also performs cognitive evaluations which focuses on how the brain processes information that is instrumental for learning and social interactions. Cognitive evaluations determine ADHD/ADD, auditory discrimination, and dyslexia, as well as the level of cognitive distortion.